Thursday, December 8, 2011

Depew on the map, again!

Check out OU Institute for Quality Communities Blog on DesignWorks Depew. Great things are in the works and an implementation schedule is soon to follow!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I'm finished...with the semester that is!

As of yesterday I have now completed my first semester of my final year at OUUDS. I am very excited about this and a little nervous at that. It seems not that long ago I was applying for my undergrad and now I nearly have my masters complete! Saturday morning was our second jury presentation. Monday I took my final exam for Legal Framework for Design, a week early, and yesterday I had my final meeting with Shawn until January.

I also got news today that I officially passed my CDBG Certification Exam, making myself a certified CDBG Grant Administrator! Ryan and I put up the Christmas tree last night and now it is time to celebrate the holiday! As for my project I will still be working over break, so be sure to stay updated! Merry Christmas I hope everyone has a great break and stay safe if traveling!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Semester nearing an end

It has been nearly two weeks since my last post, oops. As many of you who attended DesignWorks know our event was a great success. Many creative and exciting design ideas were addressed and presented to the town, luckily with a large amount of approval. On Monday December 12, 2011, I will be presenting Project Postcard, as we named it, to the Town Board for Approval and will also be presenting an implementation schedule, led by me. I will upload some pictures here as they are on my Facebook page as well. If you would like to see the presentation come to the meeting and check it out. I very interested in community participation and feedback as well!

Tomorrow through Friday I will be heading to Oklahoma City for CDBG Certification, wish me luck! Saturday will be the midpoint in my final year of graduate school, making the second professional project jury. Lack of information will not be an issue, condensing it into a twenty minute presentation might. After these events I will be taking my final exam in Legal Framework for Real Estate Law, the official end to the semester! Wow, this week is going to be a whirlwind!

Monday, November 14, 2011

2 Days & Counting!

DesignWorks is up and coming and OU will be in Depew on Wednesday. As for me I am completing a large amount of housekeeping for the event. Today I will be creating several large maps with data including; buildings, streets, parking lots, & topography.

First thing this morning I went to Depew to take some pictures of several intersections and also of Main Street, I'm trying to capture the extreme elevation differences throughout town. Also I ran into Shawn, The Urban Design Studio director, to find out he took some aerial photography of Depew for me this morning. I also contacted the owners of the Route 66 Biker Rally and the Naturist Park this morning and are hoping to have some attendance from there as well.

Time to get back to it, enjoy my aerials of Depew!

Friday, November 11, 2011

One week remaining!

Wednesday was exactly one week until the DesignWorks Depew event which will be hosted by the University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities in Depew, OK! You might  be able to notice I'm a little bit excited about this.

Wednesday night I hosted a steering committee meeting and had an attendance of 14 people, highly successful, especially since I only invited nine of them. It's good to know I've got a great team interested in the progress of Depew and who are working hard to get the word out. We have officially figured out lunch for the Design team on both days thanks to the Senior Citizens Center and the great leadership/staff at Depew Public Schools.

I want to thank my steering committee for working so hard recently to put all of this together on such short notice. Another big thanks goes out to the Institute for Quality Communities, The Urban Design Studio, and INCOG. I can't believe the quality of people which are volunteering two days of their personal time to help Depew. All we have to do now is wait...well not really, which reminds me I must get busy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hitting the Streets!

I feel like I've really got some things accomplished today and all before 9:00 AM. I hit the streets this morning on my way to INCOG, I decided to stop by both the elementary and high school in order to get some flyers out. About 400 flyers later every student and faculty member at Depew public schools has received a DesignWorks invitation. I'm getting some great feedback from the faculty and am very happy for their support!

I then traveled about town placing posters and flyers for community members to see and pick up. Some of my locations included: PDQ, Superior Pipe, Dough Boyz, the Post Office, Spanglers, Jan'z Sandwich Shop, Depew Florist, the Beauty Salon, and also Town Hall. I'm still missing a few locations and I'm hoping to connect with them tomorrow or Monday morning. Speaking of tomorrow, Depew will be holding a Fall Craft Fair at the Kohler Villa on Main Street. I'm planning to attend, not only for my interest in the vendors, but I also thought it would be a great place to advertise for DesignWorks. I must restock my supply of flyers before the event. I'm also planning a little door-to-door action in dispersing the flyers as well.

Thanks to a great idea from my husband, I also stopped by our local radio station, KREK, this morning. KREK announces a community calendar in the mornings covering local events. They said announcing it should be no problem, I'm excited about DesignWorks being announced on air! I'm also in the process of contacting the Bristow Record to spread the news to a wider audience.

I'm really getting excited about the event and want to thank everyone for their support and hopefully attendance!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

DesignWorks team to visit Depew

I have been a little quite on here lately, as I've been working on a few projects which I needed to keep quiet until official. Well it's official, The University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities and the Urban Design Studio will be making an official visit to Depew on November 16th and 17th for the Institute's first DesignWorks community workshop.

This workshop will be an excellent opportunity for Depew and also everyone involved. I made about 500 copies of this flyer yesterday and will be distributing them throughout the community this week. If you are interested in this or have any questions don't hesitate to comment!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall is in the air

Wow, I walked out this morning to a chilly mist. I guess since we are nearing the end of October I should be expecting this sort of weather, but I was happily gliding on my 70 & 80 degree weather for the past month. With the cool weather comes the reminder that our next jury along with the holidays are soon approaching.

For this jury I have decided to focus on the curriculum aspect of the Small Town Studio. I have been throwing around several ideas such as student makeup, should it be targeted at graduate students, undergraduate students, or both? Should these students only be from the college or architecture or will it be open as an elective course for any student who is interested? This biggest question/issue I want to approach is how should the students interact and travel to these communities? Would it be best to bus students to and fro, house them with area residents, put them up in a hotel, create a mobile learning unit? As for these questions I will be putting them into scenario form and will be looking for feedback, as to narrow and focus my project a little more. So much to consider and so much to complete.

Along with the professional project I am knee deep in Incorporated Tulsa County's Impediments to Fair Housing. This is a very inclusive document which is taking a large amount of work, documenting, and especially time.

As for Halloween I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday, I myself will be celebrating at my grandparents-in-laws' 50th wedding anniversary party. A happy reminder of the good things still worth celebrating.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Jury #1

As most of you know, Saturday was our first professional project jury here at the studio. I am very pleased with how things went and was also very proud of my fellow classmates. This may sound odd, but I was surprised at how fun it was to actually present the project to my peers. Through the jury I now have several different paths to explore and research for the next jury in December. I'm trying to figure out if I can possibly upload the PowerPoint on here, I guess we'll see.

I catch myself often drifting off into the what-ifs of small town planning and curriculum for the Small Town Studio, I think this is a good sign. When choosing projects over the summer I was determined to find something I wanted to work on for an entire year, something I could be passionate about, but most importantly something with meaning. I have always wanted to make a difference in this world, my first path was the medical field and then I remembered blood makes me queasy. It seems like my training in the field of art and design really has the possibility to take me places, opportunities are everywhere, and I can't wait to get started! (or maybe keep the ball rolling)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Steering Committee Meeting

This weekend was big step for my project, and myself as well. Saturday morning was my first steering committee meeting for the Town of Depew. Seven people attended, not a bad number for only inviting about ten. Of course I had to reward people for showing up to the high school at 8 AM on Saturday, so we snacked on some donuts and introduced ourselves from there. Committee members, as I hoped, brought many issues to the table that I had not considered. We also worked together to create a SWOT Analysis. The committee as a whole came up with more strengths and opportunities thanweaknesses and threats which is a good start in my opinion. Members of this committee have high hopes for Depew and are willing to work together in order to start great things in the town. Sadly I have left all of my boards at home today, but will upload pictures and the results of the SWOT Analysis soon.

Next on the agenda is Professional Project Juries, Saturday at 9:00. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

OU Tulsa

I've entitled this post OU Tulsa as I have no other ideas for a title and spent most of my day there, an enjoyable day at that. I started out my day at INCOG after the lovely little traffic incident, mentioned in my previous post. After completing a phone survey on CDBG grants and rummaging through my OU email account I ran across an event at the Schusterman Library, 20x20 Slide Presentations. I then headed to OU. The interesting and fun thing about this event is that anyone could present a PowerPoint on a topic of choice, but were limited to 20 slides and each slide would only be displayed for 20 seconds. The topics were fantastic, this may be the nerdy side in me coming out, but I thoroughly enjoyed the event. The event was started with how to make lemon pasta and proceeded on including presentations on Mexican food, comics, opera, guns, what a PA does, Pinterest, fair foods, and my personal favorite disc golf (possibly because my director, Shawn, presented it and referred to the studio as The Clubhouse) hopefully I didn't forget any. Not only were the presentations interesting, but I also won a door prize, a 16 inch cookie cake from American Cookies in the Promenade Mall! I've decided the cookie will not be redeemed until my first community meeting. There is no way I will bring home a 16 inch cookie, my husband and I just might eat it all!

After the presentation I chatted with Shawn and Mthabisi for a little bit and then arrived at the studio for an afternoon of work. Soon my blog will be linked to the OU Institute for Quality Communities web page and I worked up and introduction and a few photos for the link, I'm very excited about this! I also created my agenda for my first steering committee meeting which is this weekend. After a little paper jam drama (thank you Laura) I successfully printed the agenda and also the sign-in-sheets. I will be returning to the studio later in the week to print some large maps for the event as well.

Tonight was also the first OUTSA (OU Tulsa Student Association) meeting. Being the president of the Society of Urban Design Students, or SUDS this year I will be attending all OUTSA meetings along with our OUTSA representative Rebecca. They fed us Chick-Fil-A for dinner and the meeting went pretty quickly. SUDS has several exciting events planned for the year, several of which will depend on OUTSA funding. I promise to update as we further develop these plans.

As for now, I am home and neglecting my already neglected house (and husband)
Until tomorrow...

Traffic and Happiness

There is nothing more I hate than traffic. As I live in rural Creek County commuting to work (or anywhere else for that matter) is not an option. This morning my usual hour commute transformed into over an hour and a half, thanks to a traffic accident about a mile outside of downtown Tulsa. Yesterday I traveled to Norman for a meeting with the director of the Small Town Studio at OU's Institute for Quality Communities. What should have been about an hour and a half commute turned into nearly two hours thanks to at least three traffic accidents. All of this commuting, traffic, and accidents makes me wonder what it is about driving a vehicle Oklahomans find so attractive. Anywhere else in the US, especially out of the country, so many options of public transportation are available. Yet in Tulsa we fight these ideas because we demand to have the freedom of personal transportation. I'll tell you right now if boarding transit such as commuter rail and traveling to Tulsa or Oklahoma City (as my home is located centrally between the two) were possible I would buy a boarding pass tomorrow. Think about how much time we waste idling in traffic, not to even mention the damage we're doing to the environment and our own health. I have to say from experience there is nothing more stressful than dodging traffic at speeds well over 75 mph on the Creek/Turner Turnpike on my way to and from Tulsa daily. At the same time I choose not to live in Tulsa, because it is not something I desire. Yet the opportunities for employment are limited in Depew, and much of Creek County for that matter.

Yes, all of this ranting comes to a point. Am I the only one who misses small town life? The ability to live, work, play, raise a family, all in one place. To be able to get of work and be home in ten minutes arriving to eager faces. It seems we as a nation are losing track of what is important. Leisure and family time are pushed aside while we focus on the hustle and bustle of the workday, this workday which often extends until late hours at night and even the weekend at times. Why do we spend 50+ hours per week away from home doing things which lead to bad health, stress, and often a shortened lifespan? What happened to family dinners, playing catch with your kids, game night, and true quality family time? It's been replaced with video games, DVD players everywhere imaginable, endless soccer/baseball/basketball/cheerleading/academic leagues, often which have children out every night of the week past bedtime. Can we say exhaustion? I remember as a child eating dinner together every night as a family, going on a Saturday drive and playing I Spy, being so dirty after playing outside all day having to be hosed off before being allowed in the house.

We as a nation/state/city/town/neighborhood/individual need to take some time to look at what we value in life. Is that 60 hours a week we put in worth the time away from family? Is making 60 grand a year (more/less) worth depriving ourselves from our true passions? When are we going to stop and smell the roses, after they've completely wilted from our neglect? Maybe as a 24 year-old I have an unrealistic view of life, some may even say I've never lived in the real world. I can tell you now I am in my sixth straight year of college and that in May I will graduate with my master's degree. I have been married over a year and my husband and I pay bills (including tuition) on a regular basis. I also know that I have worked hard for the past few years in order to do something I enjoy, but have no plans of dedicating my life to my career. I'm going to work hard, do something I love, and then come home every night to my true passion, my family. I may not leave a legacy in the business world, but that is not my desire, the true legacy is the people you touch in life, the difference you make in someones life, and the values and character you instill in your children and people you come to know over a lifetime.

Executive Summary:
  • Commuting = waste of time
  • Money does not buy happiness

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Internship: Day 4

Today has been one heck of a day! Started out this morning by unknowingly dropping my sweater in the crosswalk of 2nd Street and Boulder, needless to say no one felt the need to mention it until I traveled a block further to INCOG when a random lady drove by yelling at me that I had dropped my sweater. I'm pretty sure it had been ran over a couple times, wow...

Once safely inside INCOG I decided to scan the antique newspapers which had been loaned to me several weeks ago. I have been searching for a few weeks for a large enough scanner, so I wouldn't have to scan them in sections and paste them together in Photoshop. I had gotten approval from Kurt, in mapping, to use the large scanner at INCOG. He was not at work today and I had to solicit help from other employees in the area on instructions. After a little trial and error I thought it would be smooth sailing. Well, 80+ year old newspapers which have been laminated can also consist of large amounts of tape, tape + scanner = no bueno. After about two hours I had scanned half the stack of newspapers, when the scanner decided it needed to have cleaning/maintenance (too much tape). An hour later with the help of yet another employee the scanner was fixed and ready to go. I scanned a few more copies and left the remaining papers which were too large and consisted of too much tape to be scanned at a later date (in a smaller scanner). At least I've wiped out the majority of the stack and will only have to scan about four more papers the difficult way. I owe a lot to the mapping department and I'm sure they hope to avoid me for a few days. Thank you so much!
I had a nice break at lunch meeting with my friend Cayla. We went to Billy's in Downtown, somewhere I will most definitely go again. She surprised me with a late birthday gift, including a frame which will soon be adorning my desk. On the way out of Billy's I, not paying attention, caught my wedge heel on the edge of brick and nearly went down. My near disaster made for quite an entertaining afternoon break and a hilarious mental image of what everyone around me must have seen take place.

On my return from lunch I am studying the new CDGB State Plan for 2012 and also looking over some documents to help me further understand impediments to fair housing. The latter is a task which I will be working on in the next few weeks with INCOG for Tulsa County.

Bristow Area Chamber

Last night I met with Bob Wyatt from the Bristow Area Chamber. Bob and I have crossed paths many times, the most recent being at the Depew Town Board Meeting in early September. This was the meeting at which I presented to the board seeking their support for my professional project. Bob and I since then have spoke over the phone and set up a meeting date to discuss possible avenues for my project and also the chamber. Our meeting was a success in my mind and has me very excited about the possible involvement. We spoke for over an hour discussing my project, family, friendships, and most importantly our communities. The neighborly community we once knew is disappearing from modern life. Bob and I are both interested in what it will take to make our communities thriving, viable, and even friendly in the future. We will soon meet again to discuss more in depth about aspects of community development. I believe this is going to be a great partnership or maybe I should say friendship.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Internship: Day 3

It has been a whirlwind of a day! We started off this morning with a staff meeting in which the Economic Development staff updated on all their projects. From there I traveled to Osage County with Barbara and Easton leaving at around 10 AM. Stop #1 Avant to drop off some paperwork. Stop #2 Barnsdall for discussion of their current water project. Stop #3 lunch at an Asian Buffet. Stop #4 Sperry for documentation of an historic building, the armory, and discussion of its historic qualities. We returned to INCOG around 3:00 PM and I will be leaving at 4:00 PM to meet with the Bristow Area Chamber at 5:00 PM.

Yesterday was an eventful day as well, I formed the majority of my steering committee and was very excited about the amount of interest voiced. Depew superintendent was very excited about the possibilities of the project and even volunteered the high school as a meeting place for the first steering committee meeting. This meeting will take place October 8, 2011, at 8 AM in the high school lobby. I can't wait to meet with the community and see what interesting thoughts might come about. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Western Oklahoma Roadtrip

Had an excellent Saturday, minus waking up at 4:30 AM. The Tulsa Urban Design Studio traveled to Seiling, OK this morning to collaborate with some OU Norman students to present our studio project from last year, The Northland Plan. We also ended up facilitating part of the morning which was very enjoyable. I myself, interested in small towns, found the day very rewarding. Seiling, although a small town, is an exciting place to be with many interesting qualities and exciting events throughout the year. I was inspired by the community spirit and the large amount of people who dedicated their Saturday morning to community planning. I have great hope that Depew can organize themselves as well and have great community spirit also.

Also to add I convinced my husband, Ryan, to accompany me to the event. I've decided he was as well be an honorary member of the studio since he's good about participating :) We stopped for lunch after the event in Seiling at a local place, The Oklahoma Hills Cafe. If you are ever in or near Seiling or just need something to do on a day off I would highly suggest travelling to Seiling and trying out the menu! The little cafe is exaclty what so many small towns need. Locally owned, clean, great food, excellent prices and a  great wait staff, one of the best places I've ate in a long time. Not only that it was definitely a local gathering place with hardly any parking or booths available for the hour or so we were present. These places are what we should be proud of, so much more personable than chain restaurants and franchises, Hills Cafe is a great asset to Seiling.

Seiling is also located near some new wind energy projects consisting of some gigantic wind mills. Having never seen this type of machinery in person I was astounded at their visual impact!

To finish out our day we traveled to Watonga, OK and checked out Main Street and some other exciting buildings there. I took quite a few pictures and fell in love with the local character. I am smitten with old historical buildings and I couldn't seem to get enough in Watonga.

Finally it was Ryan's turn and we made a stop in Yukon, OK to check out Express Ranches. If you are not familiar with me my husband has cattle and is highly interested in anything to do with cattle. Express Ranches are owned by the creator of Express Personal Services and have quite a beautiful compound in Yukon as well as several other locations across the US. Needless to say their black Angus bulls are quite extravagant as well as their sprawling estate.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Streets for People: Jason Roberts Presentation

OU Institute for Quality Communities has posted Jason Roberts presentation on YouTube. This is a great opportunity for those who were interested in his presentation and unable to attend check it out with the link below

Look up OU Institute for Quality Communities on Facebook to receive your own updates like this!/pages/OU-Institute-for-Quality-Communities/224349357615876

IQC Media

OU Urban Design Studio headlines on the Institute for Quality Communities web page! The Big Night in Tulsa meant a big night of publicity for the studio. I'm very excited about the studio and our recent activity with the community. Tomorrow four of us are headed to Seiling, Oklahoma, to present the Northland Plan to the community there. The best way to gain experience in my opinion is to jump in head first, this is what we do best at the studio.

Link to IQU media

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Internship: Day One

Today was the first day of my second internship at INCOG in Tulsa. This summer I interned at INCOG through OSU's TIP administration (Transportation Internship Program), as the name might suggest I interned in the Transportation Department. Through my first time at INCOG I became interested in the Rural Development section, something I previously was unaware of. As you might notice from my professional project I have now directed myself that way with my professional project, and now my second internship with INCOG as well. I am now participating in Americorps Students in Service and will be serving 300 hours in the Community/Economic Development Department of INCOG.

To start the day we had a department meeting on the projects which are currently underway within Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) specifically the Rural Economic Action Program (REAP) Grants. Depew (my pilot community) is currently in the middle of a REAP project for its sewer lagoon and treatment plant. The rest of the day I spent studying CDBG and how it works in the state as well as possible projects and the application process.

I am glad to be back at INCOG and to see the many great friends I made over the summer. This looks to be a promising semester and a great step towards my future.

INCOG's Community & Economic Development website

The Big Night

Last night, September 20th, was The Big Night in Tulsa, Oklahoma. What am I talking about you might ask? Martha Schultz, a planner for the City of Tulsa, arranged what we call The Big Night. A gathering of four communities which border the downtown area; Brady Heights, Country Club Square, Crosbie Heights, & Owen Park, and event which cleverly relates to a classic movie guessed it, The Big Night. The event was held to promote the unification of these neighborhoods as wonderful assets to downtown. Myself and my classmates from the OU Urban Design Studio facilitated the event along with Martha leading community SWOT Analysis. What is SWOT? It is a brainstorming exercise in which community members categorize the areas Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are considered internal, as in controlled by the community itself or things already present. Opportunities and Threats are considered external as in outside the control of the community and things which are yet to be. I hope that is understandable, if not let me know and I'll try to explain further. All together I would say it was an excellent night in which students got more valuable experience and several communities came together, something which is always noteworthy. I myself worked with the Crosbie Heights group and came to know some great community members, they are passionate about not only their history, but their future as well. I expect to see great things come from this event and will post some of the findings of the nights event as it becomes available.

Link to the movie storyline

The Better Block Project

Last week as some of you might know was extremely busy for me and I'm still trying to play catch up on my blogging. I traveled to Norman twice last week which also added to the chaos. On Thursday, the 15th, I attended a lecture presented by the University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities. Jason Roberts talked about his idea of guerrilla planning and the Better Block Project idea he created in his Dallas suburb. This is a great video and explanation of the Better Block Project. If you're from the Tulsa area you might be familiar with Polishing the Pearl, another Roberts event. I am inspired by these ideas and how they could possibly play out in my professional project. I need a catchy slogan...Dazzling Depew...I think not, but it's a start.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bristow Newspaper Article

Newspaper article published September 14, 2011, in Bristow News

Monday, September 19, 2011

Productive Week

As you know a week ago today I presented at the Depew Town Board meeting and all went very well. The town is excited about the possibilities and a member of the board will soon be on my steering committee. Also at this meeting was the Bristow Area Chamber, an organization of our neighboring town which was also interested in helping with my project. I will be meeting with a representative of the Chamber within a week or so. Also as a result of my presentation an article covering the meeting was published mentioning my project and intentions (I am in the process of acquiring this paper).

In other good news I met with the Depew Senior Citizens Center on the 14th of September and made some great friends! I chatted with several people about the town history as we passed around photo tiles (previous post) and heard some great stories. Along with great conversation I also obtained some old newspapers, The Depew Independent, one of which dated back to October of 1910. I found images of several buildings which still exist on mainstreet today! Another meeting with this great group of people is in the making.

Time for class, I will update on the rest of the week soon!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Photo Tiles

I wanted to show what I'm talking about when I refer to photo tiles. These were created by the photo survey I took on August 24th. To document the process I started with the photos and plugged them into a template. These images were printed out and attached to foam board and then vacuum pressed to create a permanent base. Once attached to the board the images were individually cut out, creating the individual photo tiles. The pictures above help document the process and also give a small tour of the Urban Design Studio.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Today is the day!

Well today is the day I will be presenting my professional project to the Depew Town Board.

Excited? Yes! Nervous? Definitely! Glad to get the show on the road? Absolutely!

Tonight I will present my professional project to the board asking for support and commitment. I have been practicing the five minute presentation all day, and am confident in my abilities, yet still a little nervous. I'm hoping to have some support on hand and know at least the support from my family will be there. Tonight is the catalyst, in my mind, of the project. I know people have seen me wandering about town and questioning what I am doing. After tonight people will know who I am and what I'm about and hopefully will be interested in contributing to the project.

To update you on the project, I spent many hours yesterday at the studio creating photo tiles out of my visual survey and now officially have 32 tiles documenting Depew Main Street. I am very excited about them and know they will be a great tool in the future of the project.

I have created and ordered business cards (they would have been extremely useful tonight) which should be here in about a week or so. So for tonight I will be printing temporary cards with all necessary contact information. Hopefully there will be a lot of contacting.

Wednesday, the 14th of September, I will be meeting with several community members at the Senior Citizens Center for lunch. They have heard about my project and website and are very interested in partaking in the adventure. I look forward to our meeting and sharing all the information I've gained from these individuals! Until then...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011...ten years later

It was hard to imagine what the world would be like ten years from September 11th 2001, yet somehow here we are, at least most of us. As I drove into the studio today I heard many patriotic songs, people recalling the day, and remembering those who were lost. As a measly little 13 year-old 8th grader I don't know if I truly was able to grasp the true consequences of that day ten years ago. As time has progressed and we've seen the world change all I can hope for is something better. Things are changing, maybe for the better, but sometimes I find it hard to believe so. We are losing soldiers daily, our friends, neighbors, family, for what? I challenge you to examine what it means to be American, be proud of our history and our future, support the ones battling overseas, but also pray (or whatever it might be that you do) to bring them home, safe and sound. Although this might seem a ramble and maybe not so related to my professional project or internship I can see many ways in which it is. One large ingredient in a quality community is the strength and character of the citizens who live there, people are what this world revolves around. Without those risking their lives on a daily basis, fighting for our freedom, the idea of a community might not even exist. We might not be able to sit and analyze, decide for ourselves what we want our communities to be like, it might have been decided for us. I support my troops and send love to their families. Thank you for fighting for me, for giving me this life I love and giving me the freedom to become what I chose in life. God bless America we will never forget 9-11-01

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Maintaining & Adapting?

Some of you might wonder the meaning of my blog title, Maintaining & Adapting. As I thought of what to title this ever encompassing blog I wanted to consider my professional project, internship, and myself. What better way to describe my final year at the Urban Design Studio. Survival in itself depends on adaptivity, in order to maintain consistency in life. As I look at myself I realize I've maintained many core qualities, morals, values, etc. but at the same time life is a constant adaptation. In the past year I've adapted into a graduate student, wife, teacher, aunt, intern, and much more. Soon I will become a graduate and merge into the world of a real job and once again adaptation will become a necessity. The title also lends to my professional project, Maintaining Small Town Character through Adaptive Rural Communities, and the importance once again of adaptations.

Survival of the Fittest anyone? We shall see how the semester progresses...